Volantexrc RC Airplane
VolantexRC TrainStar Ascent 747-8 1400mm Wingspan EPO Trainer Aircraft RC Airplane KIT/PNP
Questions and Answers
I am new and I am looking for a plane to start. I have thought this is a good option. Do you recommend me flight controller? I would not want to lose my plane
This is a KIT version, so you will need to buy & install all electrical materials yourself ! The PNP version is easier to start with; you will only need a receiver, battery & radio to get flying 😎 Don't use a flight controller when you're learning, it's confusing. Just fly LOS (line of sight) and keep it over open terrain for an emergency landing. Add stuff later, when you're comfortable flying the plane. Have fun 👍
Is it possible to use 4S with PNP electronics?
Jes it is 2-4 S 40 Amps. And dont worry about the Landing. You dont must fly so fast even if you have 4s. Take a number smaler Batterie with lower mah. If you are an beginner stay at 3S vor a time. He is fast enough.
on 21 August 2024
Non sono uno che fa recensioni facilmente, ma questa la scrivo con piacere perché è giusto riconoscere il lavoro delle persone serie! Sono cliente da tempo di Banggood e qui avevo già comprato un altro aereo sempre di Volantex, l'aliante Phoenix 742 versione PNP. Avevo già avuto in quell'occasione il modo di apprezzare positivamente i tempi di spedizione e l'accuratezza del confezionamento dell'articolo che avevo comprato, che quindi è arrivato anche integro. Stesse considerazioni faccio oggi per questo meraviglioso modello Volantex Train Star Ascent 747-8 versione PNP, del quale ho apprezzato anche questa volta, i tempi di spedizione coerenti con le previsioni ed estremamente precisi, anzi in anticipo, ma sono anche rimasto molto colpito dalla qualità costruttiva e dai dettagli. La fusoliera è in plastica ma non rigida, è deformabile al tatto se la premi con le mani, quindi ritengo sia molto ma molto resistente agli urti, in questo caso non si dovrebbe spaccare. Le ali hanno una sagomatura che crea l'effetto centine. Il profilo alare è ottimo anche per volo acro. Ruote in gomma morbide a dir poco gigantesche, tipo Stoll, già corredate di asse e attrezzi per il montaggio su un carrello di alluminio molto ampio, di uno spessore notevole, leggero ma resistentissimo. Minuteria con tiranti, forcelle, squadrette, carrello posteriore, agganci e adattatori di vario tipo, viti, ogiva e dado e con qualche pezzo in più , tutto completo! Inoltre, due eliche in dotazione di dimensioni diverse. All'interno della fusoliera spazio in abbondanza per la batteria, il resto c'è già perché versione PNP. Ha un motore che è più grande di quello del mio aliante precedente, quindi ritengo sarà anche più potente. Complimenti al costruttore e al venditore e tutto lo staff di Banggood !!!
on 10 May 2024
I converted it to a twin engine with flaps, turbulators and flight controller. flies very well
on 17 March 2021
Mounted not yet managed to make it fly I had a small problem with fixing fuselage trolley and with one of the wheels of the trolley made modification.Now I wait conditions to make it fly great product!
on 03 February 2021
Thank you so much for the beautiful RC model this store I highly recommend it to everyone.
on 11 December 2020
Excellent model
on 25 June 2020
Box came in all bang up and some bend parts so hoping Banggood will respond and replaces these parts.
Gennaro Marchesano
on 23 March 2020
Unfortunately given the quarantine I can not make it fly but I mounted it and it seems to be a really good product, congratulations to Banggood for the excellent service and fast shipping even in an emergency. There is only one small problem: the screwdriver that they give you supplied in the PNP version is not suitable for the screws of the plane, so get a kit of good screwdrivers to mount it... after all, it's fine:)
on 15 January 2020
nice nice. Only thing is that if you burn engine or esc it goes disassembled the whole fuselage.
on 10 September 2019
Arrived quickly :) Everything is alright! Nice and new!
on 16 August 2019
I ordered this plane from China shipped to US via Priority Mai and it arrived in 16 days. Unbox to maiden flight was 3 hours. My fights were great...it felt like I've been flying this plane for a long time. The Ascent is my 2nd plane and 2nd Volantex (Ranger G2 was first). The Ascent takes off in a distance of 10' on grass. Extremely stable flyer and landings were no bounce. This is a big plane and I Iike the plastic fuselage and 4" wheels. It comes with one 12x6 prop. I am using 2200 mah 25C batteries and flight time was 10-15 minutes until landing at storage voltage. The only thing I struggled with was the wheel bolts. Swapped out the inside non-plastic lock nut for 2 washers (I supplied) and that seems to work better. The trouble is the supplied thin wrench didn't fit in between the wheel and landing gear to tighten the nut.