Product Details

Digital Calipers

150mm Stainless Steel LCD Screen Display Digital Caliper 6 Inch Fraction / MM / Inch High Precision Stainless Steel LCD Vernier Caliper

Last updated: 22 October 2024
4,92 2087 reviews
🛒 17,48$ from Banggood 🛒
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Questions and Answers

if you forget to turn it off , does on its own?

by antonis.armador, on 10 November 2019


by pulgoso, on 10 April 2020

Does this item have a data output port?

by Cborn0, on 01 November 2019

No but for the price, I would not expect it. Still a Very good product.

by BG145723554, on 16 October 2023
5 out of 5 stars
sergei_micheev on 05 September 2023

That's a pretty good bar. Bought after a review on the mouska, with a coupon turned out to be a little more than 1k / p. Delivery - month, battery included, accuracy-up to the second sign. The box of course is not hot, during the shipment was damaged. Now Beng has put another coupon for this product, [BGec1d07], the price turns out even more interesting. And this is a great, all-metal bar, for this price.

5 out of 5 stars
97lebt on 03 June 2022

Good as always. But China must reject and condemn the Ukraine war and Putin

5 out of 5 stars
BG185161238 on 13 December 2021

Very good caliper. Precise measurements, battery installed, sturdy plastic box. As cons it has sharp edges and one part is slightly miss aligned. Overall I do recommend it.

5 out of 5 stars
GAZ121 on 29 September 2021

arrived in very good time as stock was in the UK only 3 days these calipers are great I have been using these calipers for my daily job as a mechanical engineer I use measurements daily it does imperial and metric very good build quality I have no complaints comes with a very nice carry case the measurements are very spot on we'll just have to wait and see how long the battery lasts it does have an automatic off which is very nice overall very happy and we'll definitely recommend to friends thank you banggood hit the helpful button if you found this helpful!!! thanx

5 out of 5 stars
caravitto on 04 February 2021

very fast delivery caliber delivered in its measuring case in three different systems, metric, inches and fractions there is no saying for the price it cost is a very good product

5 out of 5 stars
Dalek87 on 24 July 2020

I bought these to keep at my milling machine. I thought that I could look after my expensive ones. Use these as sort of guestimators. Now, I'm wondering why I paid so much for my others. There's some junk coming out od China. Soft metal...Chinesium. Soft drill bits. All sorts of rubbish. At the same time, they're producing things that are very well made. It's difficult to know what is what. Some woodworker might think that something measures accurately. For what they do, they're happy. People who work with metals need to be spot on. Or, withing a 10th of an inch. I played with these for hours. I was trying to catch them out. Couldn't. They are accurate. And they are reliable. Repeatable. They turn off after a few minutes. Turn it back on and your numbers are still there. The fraction part of it is really good. For my drills, it's so fast to check their size. Much better that those plates with holes in. More and more, I'm having to use the foreign cm and mm. I grew up with good old English inches. Find them easier and more accurate. These make it easier for me. I still want my Mitutoyos, but I've got a feeling that I won't be needing them very often. If at all. I might sell them all off. Because if these keep making such good quality tools, soon mine won't be worth much more. These are heavy. They feel good on the hand. Snap them closed and they go to zero. Every time. I've been using them a lot this week and I can't believe how good they are. It's good steel. Well machined. All edges broke. And they're smooth. Very smooth. I can't make up my mind if they are as smooth as my Mitutoyos. They are new. I'm sure that they'll bed in nicely. If they get sloppy, I'll be back to say so. You know when you pick up a good tool. And these feel like the real deal. I used to go for the brand names with tools. Now, I read reviews. I try to sift through the crap to find the gems. It's hard to know. So, I hope this helps you.

5 out of 5 stars
George on 02 March 2020

Works very well and precisely. Difference measurement without arithmetic. Two replacement batteries are included ...

5 out of 5 stars
cylibin2007 on 29 February 2020

Digital shaft - DANIU steel, length 150 mm, well-readable LCD display, size display in mm, in, frac (fractional conversion), plus case (convenient) For that price for dad a good tool. Advantages: Accurate is inserted into the specified parameters and is automatically included when the measurement starts. Auto-disconnect is working. A salesman in a barbell put two spare ones, thanks to the salesman. Comfortable case for a bar, the size is easily and smoothly adjusted by a special wheel. Has n't detected any flaws Fast delivery, quality 5 points, comfortable, 2 spare batteries. Shop super!

5 out of 5 stars
BG411154034 on 16 January 2020

Delivery Time: 17 Days He came from China to Turkey in six days. He came from Istanbul to Balikesir in 11 days. I've chosen cargo, including taxes of 17 TL. They did n't get any customs duty. It was shipped with a bag. The bag was torn open. The content is complete. It's working fine. (It had batteries in it. 1 spare battery came out.)

5 out of 5 stars
serg88ko on 19 November 2019

Отличный инструмент. Из достоинств: Точный. Включается автоматически при начале измерения. Работает автоотключение. Кроме батареи в штангенциркуле положили две запасные. В комплекте идёт жёсткий чехол. Размер легко и плавно регулируется специальным колёсиком. Недостатков не обнаружил.